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90° Furniture Makes Your World Super Flat!

90° Furniture Makes Your World Super Flat!

So you aren’t satisfied with your folding chairs, huh? You say that your sleeping bag isn’t cutting it anymore. You want true flatness. You want to be able to really fold your furniture up. Kaptein and Bolt will flatten it out for you. Here’s 90° Furniture for your paper-thin, flippy-floppy world.

90° Furniture described by its designers Louwrien Kaptein and Menno Bolt:

Een interieur voor een antikraakbewoner/kunstenaar, bestaande uit 4 delen:
zit- en slaapunit

Twee gesloten panelen draaien open tot een hoek van 90˚. Ieder onderdeel is een ruimteverdeler en een functioneel meubel, naar believen in of uit te klappen. Het interieur is gemakkelijk te (ver)plaatsen en is toepasbaar in elke ruimte.

And in English!

An interior for an [artist] consisting of 4 parts:
Work Unit
Sitting and Sleeping Unit
Cooking Unit
Storage Unit

Two closed panels rotate open to an angle of 90 degrees. Each component is a room divider and a functional piece of furniture, allowing unlimited combinations. The interior is easy to replace and is applicable to each room.

I imagine these working best in places where they reach floor to ceiling. Yes? More room needed, and quite possibly more attention necessary payed unto unused space. This project also reminds one of a [similar project] made of cardboard. Possibly some recycled materials are in the 90° future?

Also if the translation has terrible mistakes, please notify! Noone hates bad Dutch translations more than me!

Designers: Louwrien Kaptein & Menno Bolt